Monday, January 17, 2011

Cabinet hardware

I've gone and looked at lots more hardware. The limiting factor, for me, is that I need appliance pulls (the fridge and dishwasher are trim panel), and so many appliance pulls are really ugly. The cabinets and tile have turned French provincial, but I don't want anything too rustic - the pitted (sometimes rusty) cast-iron look is much nicer online than in person.

I'm smitten with something kind of fussy - it feels lovely my hand, and it seems vaguely handcrafted and organic while still smooth and finished. What do you think?

There are coordinating knobs but I'm not sure I like them -

I'd prefer something simpler and geometric (from the same company and in the same finish, of course), e.g.

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About Me

I just bought my first home - an estate-sale 1BR prewar co-op on the UWS in Manhattan. It needs a new kitchen, a new bathroom, new windows, and the parquet floors restored. (Other than that, it's perfect!) This blog is for sharing my renovation ideas and adventures with friends, family, and fellow renovators.