What marvels there are in this world!
Another idea - more in my price range - from the Winterthur collection - 9' high and 15' wide, in seven panels (there's also an above-the-chair-rail version):

I'm thinking of papering my dining nook - which really has very little wall, it's mostly doors - to set it off (while drawing in colors from the kitchen and living room of course). Neither of these would work there, but there are other walls.
I love hanging wallpaper. It's one of those things - like decorating cakes - that's much easier to do than people who don't know how to do it think it is, so you get extra credit for cleverness. And pretty walls.
Of course there's a piece of me that's always wanted to paper the ceiling over my bed, like so -
... though I'm not sure how you paper a ceiling, exactly - do you have to set up two ladders with planking between them, and lie on your back, like Michelangelo did with the Sistine Ceiling? Or can you just sort of stand on one ladder and reach and stretch, with a friend strategically positioned on another ladder a few feet away?
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